There are 51 rare books which have been duly xeroxed and these copies are available in the State Archives. A list of these rare books is as under :

1. Punjab State Gazetteer Vol.XXXV, Part-B Bilaspur State (Tables) 1934
2. History of  Bilaspur (Hindi) 1941
3. Report  KanooniBandobastKehloor  State (Urdu) Bilaspur 1908
4. Gazetteer of Chamba State  Vol XXII Part-A 1904
Gazetteer of Chamba State  (Statistical Tables ) Vol XXII Part-B 1904
6. Gazetteer of  Chamba State  (Statistical Tables ) Vol XXII Part-B 1912
7. Assessment Report of  Distt. Chamba . 1958
8. Visitors Books of  Kangra Temple Part I & II 1872-1883
9. Distt. Gazetteer of  Kangra, Vol X Part A 1904
10. Distt. Gazetteer of  Kangra, Vol VII  Part A 1924-25
11. Customary  law of the Kangra District. 1919
12 Gazetteers of  KangraDistt. Part II
Kullu&Sarajs Part III- Lahaul IV- Spiti
13. Settlement Reports of Kangra  ; 1872
14. Twarikh- Rajgan-Kangra
15. Settlement Report of  KangraDistt. 1855
16. Gazetteer of the Suket State 1924
17. History of  Mandi  State 1930
18. Kinnaur  (Hindi) 1957
19. History of Jammu (Urdu)
20. Gazetteer of the Sirmour State ( Part I) 1934
21. History of Nalagarh (Urdu)
22. Census of India Vol V Himachal Pradesh- Part VII B Fairs and Festivals 1961
23. Settlement report of  Koti State Distt Shimla 1916-1917
24. Correspondence relating to Jubbal State 1883-1857
25. Punjab Distt gazetteers Vol VIII-A (Shimla Distt.) 1904
26 Final Settlement Report of the Shimla District. 1831-83
27. Notes on the Entographyof the Bashahr State Shimla Hills Punjab 1911
28. Gazetteer of the Shimla Distt. 1881 to 1883
29. States Gazetteer Vol VIII Shimla Hill States 1910
30. Sirmour State Gazetteer Part A 1934
31. History of Jammu (Urdu)
32. Report on BandobastKeonthal State Distt Shimla (Urdu) 1901
33.  Settlement Report of Mehlog  State (Urdu) 1910 AD
34.  Settlement Report of keonthal State (Urdu) 1901
35. Vansavali or Hiostorical Record of The Chandrabansi (Lunar Dynasty) and Maharajas of India 1940
36. Twarikhi-E-Kahlur (Bilaspur) Urdu
37. Women Religious Expression in TIBETAN BUDDHISM 2001
38. Punjab Gazetteer Mandi State 1920
39. VazeereRupi The Silver Country of the Vazeers in Kullu 1873
40. Punjab State Gazetteer Vol. XXII A Chamba State with Maps 1904
41. fjiksVZcUnkscLrfj;klrck?kyftyklksyu ¼mnwZ) 1908
44 Jubbal State Settlement 1907
45 Reports on Lapsed and Reserved Territory in the Protected Sikh and Hill States and on the Latter Generally 1824
46 TwarikhJubbal (Urdu)
47 Settlement Report Sirmour State (Urdu) 1938
48 Ist Regular Settlement of the Dhami State (Shimla District) 1916
49 Gazetteers of the Shimla Regarding People of Shimla, Temples Social Life
50 Gazetteers of the Shimla Hill State Vol. VIII Part A Punjab Government 1934
51 izkphudkyhuoLrqpEckLVsV Hkkx&2 1957